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Digital utställning - Jämställt kulturarv - Demokratin 100 år

Jämställd kulturarvsvård


Cultural heritage, creativity and economic development

Cultural heritage, creativity and economic development

Författare: Silvia Cerisola

Exploring the relationship between cultural heritage and local economic development, this book introduces the original idea that one possible mediator between the two can be identified as creativity. Using a strong theoretical and empirical framework, Silvia Cerisola explores how cultural heritage, creativity and economic development are inextricably linked. This book is a clear econometric demonstration of how cultural heritage, through its inspirational role on different creative talents, generates an indirect positive effect on local economic development. 

Med hjärta och hjärna : en vänbok till professor Elisabeth Arwill-Nordbladh

Författare: Elisabeth Arwill-Nordbladh, Henrik Alexandersson, Alexander Andreeff och Annika Bünz

Vänboken Med hjärta och hjärna innehåller en mångfald av artiklar som på olika sätt och på flera olika plan knyter an till professor Elisabeth Arwill-Nordbladhs forskargärning. Under drygt fyrtio år har Arwill-Nordbladh varit arkeologin trogen och hon har ägnat sin forskning åt arkeologihistoria, genus, kroppslighet och materialitet, perspektiv på yngre järnålder, minne och minnespraktiker samt livsberättelser.

Heritage discourses in Europe : responding to migration, mobility, and cultural identities in the twenty-first century

Redaktör: Laia Colomer and Anna Catalani

This short book explores how new cultural identities in transformation are challenging the notions and the significance of heritage today in Europe. It asks the questions: How far are contemporary Authorized Heritage Discourses in Europe changing due to migration and globalization? Could heritage sites and museums be a meeting point for socio-cultural dialogue between locals and newcomers? Could heritage become a source of creative platforms for other heritage discourses, better "tuned" with today’s European multicultural profile?

Heritage, photography and the affective past

Heritage, photography and the affective past

Författare: Colin Sterling

Heritage, Photography, and the Affective Past critically examines the production, consumption, and interpretation of photography across various heritage domains, from global image archives to the domestic arena of the family album. Through original ethnographic and archival research, the book sheds new light on the role photography has played in the emergence, expansion, and articulation of heritage in diverse sociocultural contexts.

Kön och kulturarv

Författare: Bente Magnus och Kersti Morger

Ända sedan det kvinnohistoriska perspektivet började artikuleras på 1960-talet har det känts som ett problem att Sveriges kulturminnen och kulturmiljöer förefaller ge en så otydlig spegling av detta perspektiv. I boken öppnas en diskussion om hur könsperspektivet speglas i vårt fysiska kulturarv och den ger en översikt av kvinnoperspektivets position i kulturmiljövården.

The voice of the authorized heritage dicourse : a critical analysis of signs at ancient monuments i Skåne, southern Sweden

Författare: Anders Högberg

The study presents an investigation of a regional authorized heritage discourse, represented by the County Administrative Board on signs set up at ancient monuments and sites in the province of Skåne in southern Sweden. The starting point is a critical analysis of layout, texts and illustrations to as certainthe narratives conveyed by the signs. 

The National Museum of Women in the Arts and the Museum of Women: Preserving Women's Heritage and Empowering Women

Författare: Julie Botte

The National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington, D.C., in the United States, and the Museum of Women (Musée de la Femme) in Longueuil, Canada, were founded with the objective of making women visible in museum collections and promoting gender equality in society.